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      Your First Gatlinburg Cabin

                                                          buying a Gatlinburg cabin
Your first cabin is something you will never forget.  It is like the first born child or the first new car you buy.  You never forget searching smoky mountain real estate for sale and buying that log cabin for sale in tn.  The thrill, pride and excitement when you first walked into your own cabin.  You sent pictures and links of the rental site to all your friends and family of Gatlinburg cabins.  When buying log cabins for sale in tn be sure to follow my guidelines Buying your Gatlinburg Cabin  also Gatlinburg Cabin Decor Does Matter For Buyers and  Secrets To Successful Cabin Buying and finally Think Like A Log cabin Investor . These are not everything you must also be committed in the Spirt.   Please review The Power of Commitment  Many investors choose for their first purchase of a log cabin for sale in Tennessee a   small one bedroom cabin or a Gatlinburg cabin for sale that lacks many of the qualities discussed in the articles above.  That lack commitment.   They are in many cases buying homes for sale Sevierville tn and looking at price only.  Some under performers can be mitigated by repairs and décor upgrades.  Each Gatlinburg cabin does develop a reputation.  This can be improved eventually.  

Many cabin investors elect to upgrade.  They gain more confidence and become more committed.  Sometimes, they buy Gatlinburg cabins with pool and sell their one bedroom Pigeon Forge cabin for sale.  The cycle continues.   

Whether you a buying your first cabin in Pigeon Forge with pool or your homes for sale Sevierville tn please take the time to read the buyer's section. It is this section  Property Search  Please see the drop down link.  Remember this is fast moving market.  If you see homes for sale in Pigeon Forge tn that you like  then ask me today and not next month.  They will be sold.  Finally please follow my suggestions; I follow great smoky mountain real estate with a passion.    



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