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 Steps In Buying A Successful Smoky Mountain -                 Gatlinburg Log Cabin For Sale

Gatlinburg Cabin

1 ) Determine the location - Do you want a Smoky Mountain cabin for sale anywhere?
Do you want a Log cabin in Pigeon Forge for sale? Or do you want a cabin for sale in Gatlinburg?
2) Determine the price range
3) Get a preapproval letter from a lender
4) Determine the size in terms of bedrooms and bathrooms
5) Determine the amenities you want such as  views, accessibility, activities, parking 
6) Determine whether you are buying for personal use or overnight rental 
7) Determine amenities you want in the cabin such as hot tub, sauna, home theatre 
8) Are planning the managing the cabin yourself  or does the subdivision use a specific company  or can you  pick your preferred cabin management  company
9) Are you interested in long term appreciation or immediate cash flow or a blend of both    
10) Preview your cabin in the Great Smoky Mountains MLS and in the cabin company portal  
11) Are wanting your  wanting Gatlinburg cabin in pristine condition or are you willing to do upgrades?  
12) Don't start searching for your Gatlinburg Log cabin for sale until you are ready to buy. Smoky Mountain Log  Cabins in Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge and Sevierville for sale sell typically in under 30 days.    

See our page about down payments  Financing Your Smoky Mountain Cabin

By having these issues resolved first you can save countless days or weeks in search to buy your Gatlinburg - Smoky Mountain Log cabin.  These will make your search much smoother so if you are only interested in cabin  for sale Smoky  Mountains - Gatlinburg your Realtor will not be looking for Log Cabins for sale Pigeon Forge.    

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